Law School Resumes Podcast

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Anna Ivey, advises that students include all the basic information in their law school applicant resume: Contact information, education, experience, activities, and any other personal information the student deems relevant. Ivey says that it is fine to include things from before your college years but says one thing to definitely avoid including is expected statuses or things you have turned down; for example, if you were accepted to Harvard but didn’t go, don’t include it on your résumé. When designing your résumé, Ivey suggests that the formatting needs to be conventional and “very easy on the eyes.” She also says that admission officers care a lot about academic and extracurricular activities so make sure to include everything you have been involved with.

Ann Levine starts her advice by suggesting that students not include high school achievements on their law school application résumé. She proposes that, instead, students focus on including anything that will make their experience unique and diverse. Levine emphasizes that both education and employment information be included in the résumé, and stresses the importance of consistency and careful proofing to avoid careless errors.

Vanessa Vidal, states that law school application résumés and legal résumés are very different. Vidal suggests including personal contact information, work experience, education and bar admissions on your legal résumé. She also suggests that applicants not include computer skills unless the job specifically asks for a detailed listing. Finally, she talks about the importance of ensuring the résumé has a clear objective, only includes relevant information, and is carefully proofread.

By: Denise Werner

Date: 01/19/23